045 Duo Vertigo
Duo Vertigo.
Aerial duo from Ukraine. Oleksandra Merezhko and Maryna Kapninova. They present different aerial act, straps, hoop and on an unusual prop, a Tippy Hoop. In our performances we focus on the message, dialogue with the audience and a harmonious combination of all elements of art. Prizewinners of the Cyrkulacje and New Comer Show festivals.
18.05.2022-30.06.2022 | Circus Olympia | Switzerland
01.08.2022-01.10.2022 | Club “Inferno”| Iraq, Erbil
08.12.2022-08.01.2023 | Circus Flic Flac | Germany
17.05.2023-29.05.2023 | Circus Elysium. Show Alice in Wonderland | South Korea
24.06.2023-23.07.2023 |Circus show Time | Ukraine
01.10.2023-08.10.2023 | Festival Cyrkulacje | Lublin Poland. Youth Juri Award.
20.11.2023-27.11.2023 | Circus Elysium. Show Alice in Wonderland | Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.
20.12.2023-07.01.2024 | Circus Probst | Germany
19.02.2024-23.02.2024 | TV Show “Ukraine of incredible people” | Ukraine, Kyiv.
18.03.2024-30.04.2024 | Circus tour | Israel
24.06.2024-01.07.2024 | Festival New Comer Show | Leipzig, Germany. Friedrichbau Variete Special Award.
22.07.2024-24.07.2024 | Talent show “Tu Si Que Vales” | Italy, Rome.
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